Connecting Anti-depressants and Autism

You likely heard about the belief that immunizations cause Autism, and if you looked into it at all you would know that the study has been de-bunked and there is no proven connection between the two. While there are still many believers, most scientists have moved on to discover what exactly causes Autism. The general agreement in the scientific community is that there are genetics at play, but since science has been unable to account for a specific genetic factor, they are also searching for environmental links to Autism that may help answer some questions. I personally find the quest … Continue reading

Can A Brain Scan Detect Autism?

Is it possible that something as simple, and painless, as a brain scan can be used to detect if a child has autism? There are many news articles this week claiming that yes, this is entirely possible. Some people, however, are questioning that claim. There has been much speculation about what causes autism, and, for now, the cause continues to remain a mystery. The brain scan isn’t going to reveal a cure for autism, but it might be a tool in determining if a person has autism, or other developmental disabilities. Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in … Continue reading

Can Cleaning Cause Chronic Conditions and Autism?

I have always felt like most cleaning products are harsh. My mother would always open windows when cleaning to make sure not to breathe in so many chemicals. When I was pregnant with my daughter, Maggie, I worried about items in her nursery off gassing and was careful to use products such as no-VOC paint. However, after she was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, I became even more careful of what products I bring into our home. There are so many cleaners out there promising to kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria. This is great, but what if the ingredients in … Continue reading

Autism: Any Closer to a Cause?

Autism is known as a pervasive developmental disorder. The term pervasive suggests that the effects of the disorder will significantly affect the individual throughout the course of their lifetime. Autistic disorder is characterized by significant impairment in social interactions and communication and by a restricted pattern of behaviors, interests and activities. Autism varies in intensity between individuals such that, in the best case scenario, individual programs during early intervention schemes should be designed for each child’s abilities and strengths. We have previously discussed the diagnostic specifications for a diagnosis of autism (see links below) but what is less known among … Continue reading

Tips to Help An Autistic Child to Cope

It is normal to feel some anxiety when hearing about a natural disaster, especially when it is a big one, that directly affects thousands of people. Children who are on the autism spectrum tend to be rather anxious about life in general. Their anxiety can increase dramatically when they become aware of natural disasters such as the recent events in Japan. Fortunately, there are things a parent can to do help a child who has autism cope with his or her anxiety. I am no expert, but I think that it is a very human response to immediately think about … Continue reading

Little Wanderers

Some children with special needs, such as autism, can be wanderers. One second your child is there, the next, he is completely out of your sight. Panic sets in as you try to find him. Not knowing where your child is is a horrible experience and can mean life or death. Here are some ideas on how to keep your little wanderer safe. * Install secondary locks to all exterior doors and place them high on the door and out of your child’s reach. * Install alarms or chimes to exterior doors so you know when someone is coming in … Continue reading